Saturday, September 17, 2011

Good bye hair

So It appears that my hair loss is on schedule. It appeared from most posts that it started right about the time of your second treatment and I noticed when we were at the doctor that I was starting to loss some and so home after the treatment yesterday and a massed a fair pile. I got it cut shorter today so it wouldn't be so messy and noticeable around the house. Don't want to see any tumbleweeds of hair laying about the house. I was mentally prepared for the hair loss and I don't believe myself to be a very vain person so I don't believe it will bother me too much I'm just not sure what I will look like bald. It's too bad I can't go swim at the pool I have really reduced my drag potential. Looking forward to trick or treating with the kids this year as Dr Evil and Eli as Mini me. Should be fabulous. I will make sure to include photos of that.

1 comment:

  1. Bald is sexy. You are going to rock the Dr. Evil at Halloween. I love you.
