I have been spending some time online trying to get an idea from other's out there as to how much running/exercise people have been able to do while on chemotherapy and whether it helped or hindered. It appears from my searches that it depends on the person. I have seen posts from bodybuilders, runners and triathletes and some of them were able to continue normal routines and some were tired walking upstairs at home or down a block outside. I found one person who trained for a marathon during their treatment. I do not think that continuing to train for a marathon is right for me. I don't want to spend all my free time recovering from runs and missing time with my wife and kids. I have planned to drop down to a half marathon with the understanding that it is all open to change. The race I commited to is late October so I would be probably 1 or 2 treatments in. I will just have to wait and see on what I can do when I get to each treatment.
Last night while eating with my wife and in-laws my father in-law suggested that we do the Wilmington Beach to Battleship next year as a relay team to celebrate when this is over. It sounded great to me so 2012 Beach to Battleship is my first race commitment next year.
Dave, so great to plan a race for next year - especially a relay to do with the family. This sounds like a great goal.
ReplyDeleteWe're there! Go Team Dave!