Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday is track day

I really enjoyed running with the group tonight. It really helped motivate me to run harder. I did a 1 mile warmup, 2 x 100 form drills, 6 x 400 and a 800 meter cool down. After I was able to get over to the park and watch my son finish up his first soccer practice. He is 4 and this is his first team sport and he did great. Watching the kids run around and have so much fun was great. I am really looking forward to seeing more practices and his first game. Tomorrow I will see my surgeon who performed the biopsy and Friday it is off to meet my oncologist at Duke. I have been reading more literature on Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We received a packet from Team in Training with resources. It has been a good read although it has made me more interested in the treatment as the different treatments have unique possible side effects and late term effects. I hadn't heard about as many of the late term effects before. I knew some chemotherapy could damage your lungs or heart but I had not heard about the long term cognitive effects from radiation therapy near the neck which is where the largest mass of lymph nodes seem to be infected now. I will keep reading and try to ask as many questions as I can remember at the doctors appointment on Friday. I am looking forward to getting on with staging so I can see where things are at. Still happy that this is has such a high cure rate and thankful for all the friends and family that have been offering support and prayers.
Thursday is a run at the local running store. Looking forward to a run around the parks.

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