Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday is a group run

Thursday was a group run out of Off'n'Running.  Which is a great running store in town.  The run felt good.  I pushed a little but not too hard and finished 4 miles feeling good.  Tomorrow I meet my Oncologist for the first time and I am ready to get things rolling along again.  I don't like the periods of time where I am left wondering about things.  The worst time for me so far was the wait for the results after the biopsy.   Now that I am home from vacation and back to work it is the wait to get this staged that has me anxious.  I would just like to know how far along this is and what treatment I have in store.  I have found several sites of people going through various chemo treatments and wondering about training during the process.  I wonder why exactly we want to do it so badly, the training that is.  I started working out years ago to get ready for a hiking trip to Yellowstone.  It had been years since I had run or worked out on a regular basis.   This all just started off as a means to getting in shape for hiking.  But now running is a means unto itself.  I don't really need a goal race or a PR to break to keep me going out there.  I just love to do it.  For those moments when you are lost in the movement.   When you seem to be moving without any effort and you feel like you could run forever.  You also get to experience each season as it passes.  Catching the sweet smell of honeysuckle in the spring, the sounds of the cicadas in the summer, the cool crisp air in the fall that is so welcome after the summer months, leaves changing color and covering the paths in the fall, bright vibrant colors and in the winter if it snows the soft almost white noise of snowing falling through the leaves.  It is to me I suppose a meditation of mind and body.  And of spirit.
I started saying a new prayer each night since I found out I had this, "God grant me the strength to show love and happiness to those around me everyday."  So I will end with that and get some sleep.  

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